Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.


Quarantine events

Recording is carried out by phone: (0412) 40-75-36. This will save your time and health.

Due to the increase in the incidence of acute coronavirus COVID-19, and in order to prevent the distribution of acute respiratory infection, the planned hospitalization in the institution is suspended.

In an acute condition, which requires urgent hospitalization, contact the question to the deputy head of the institution for medical issues Yashan Natalia Leonidney by phone: Mob. 067-404-93-00, Rob. (0412) 40-72-30.

Hospitalization on in-patient treatment is carried out in the presence of a negative effect of IFA immunoglobulin M or PCR test to COVID-19.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment