Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.

Surgical cabinet

In a surgical cabinet you will receive:

  1. Consultation on the appointment of treatment.

  2. Dynamic observation (treatment of treatment).

  3. Medical checkup.

  4. All types of emergency and planned "small" surgical interventions are performed.

General surgery

  1. Surgical processing of wounds.

  2. Removal of benign skin tumors, subcutaneous fiber, muscles, tendons, vessels, electroexcia.

  3. Surgical treatment of nail poll.

  4. Removal of foreign bodies.

Purulent surgery

  1. Abscesses of various etiology (including dynamic observation).

  2. Panariums, paronychia, infected with the nail, which is wonding.

  3. Hydradenitis.

  4. Carbuncoon, furuncle.

  5. Necrectomy.

  6. The imposition of primary and secondary seams.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment